The Effectiveness of Learning System in the Madrasah Aliyah
Those new models of learning were developed based on the
humanism and constructivism theories. Active learning actually
has been developed in a lot of the schools in big cities, since eighties.
And now is still disseminated in to all schools in all parts of the
country, by issuing the new government regulation about standard of learning
process, which is derived from humanism and constructivism theories. So,
what is active learning, and how to make students engage in learning process,
and how it can arise learning achievement of the student?
Active learning is an instructional activities involving students in doing things
and thinking about what they are doing (Bonweel and James A Eison, 1991).
Active learning invites the students to involve on reading, discussing, reviewing
each other, analyzing, and synthesizing, and making evaluation together with
the teacher. Educators should avoid take all the time to present their lesson,
and involving the students only for listening the presentation from the teacher.
Active learning should involve the students in all process of learning, since
the beginning until the end. The position of the teacher just as the facilitator
to facilitate the students on exploring learning materials, elaborating the topics
of learning, discussing each other, and gathering the students to promote the
conclusion. If the process of learning has already done in such activities, the
teachers and the students have completely done active learning and also
collaborative learning, because the teacher and the students have already
collaborated in learning process.
Actually, all those learning strategies were designed to provide the students
explore learning resource and expand their understanding, enhancing their
belief, and awareness social construction of their new knowledge. All
recommended strategies were more than 25 learning strategies, that push the
students to be actively in learning process, and the results of the study not
only improving students' cognition, but more then it, strengthening their
belief, affective domain and reconstruction of their social culture.
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