Style and Tone are the elements of fiction. Style is said as the writer's language to perform his or her work. The role of style in a work of fiction is an important and complex one. Each writer has different style and tone in his or her work. Writers have the way to use language, select and arrange words to say what they want to say. On the other hand, they also have attitude toward the …
Dina Anisa'ul Khoiriyah', 2023 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative Learning) Tipe Jigsaw dan STAD (Student Teams Achievement) Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Di Sekolah Dasar Nahdhlatul Ulama (SDNU) Padomasan Jombang Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023. Kata Kunci: Cooperative Learning Tipe Jigsaw dan STAD Terkait pentingnya bagi guru untuk menentukan suatu model pembelajar…